Sunday, 4 October 2015

Trendwatching | Lime

Lime is an app by Vipaar to make helping others easier. With this app you can help people by showing them how to do it, with your hands. 

Even if you are on the other side of the world. The person who wants to receive help can call someone. It lets you talk face to face first. Than you can choose rolls. One will be the receiver and one the giver. The receiver will start filming whatever they want help with. The person who is giving help can hold his hand for his own (smartphone)camera and his hands will automatically show up on the screen of the person in need.  It’s easy, fast and intuitive.

Lime is an example of  the trend Togetherness & Inline. It keeps you in contact with other people. It even lets you help them. 
Besides that it’s an example of augmented reality. Augmented reality means that you can add something to the reality, even if that something isn’t really there. In this case you add hands to someone else’s screen or receive a pair of hands through yours.
The app is easy to use and you can explain a lot of things a lot faster. But more importantly is the fact that you can help or receive help the way you want to give or receive it.

Check out the video below! It will explain everything you want to know about Lime.